Saint George Cathedral
About us・Despre Noi
The Cathedral parish is composed of several hundred souls of various ethnic heritages, third generation Romanian-Americans, and a growing number of those newly-arrived from Romania. Services are celebrated in both the Romanian and English languages.
In faith and practice, the Orthodox Christian Church is the organic continuation of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic, True Church established by Jesus Christ. She maintains, without addition or subtraction, the faith, "once and for all delivered to the saints", and taught by the Apostles since the day of Pentecost, two millennia ago. She is the Biblical Church revealed in the pages of the New Testament. |
Parohia Catedralei Sf. Gheorghe are in componenta sa cateva sute de suflete de diferite etnii, romani-americani de a treia generatie, si un numar crescand de noi sositi din Romania. Slujbele sunt oferite în limbile română și engleză.
In materie de credinta si practica, Biserica Ortodoxa Crestina este continuatoarea organica a celei Una, Sfanta, Soborniceasca si Apostoleasca Biserica infiintata de Iisus Hristos. Ea pastreaza, fara a adauga sau omite, credinta cea incredintata „o data si pentru toti sfintilor”, si propovaduita de apostoli incepand cu ziua Cincizecimii, cu doua mii de ani in urma. Ea este Biserica Evangheliei mentionata in paginile Noului Testament. |
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